TOYS Berlin

Berlin-based climate neutral, queer fundraiser party collective & record label curated by ASA 808 & their amazing friends.


Take off your shoes. make yourself at home. dance with us and let us praise our new lords and saviors of forward-thinking electronic music, who saved our souls from conservative tech-house cardinals and testosterone overdosed unitary techno shittery. in the last years excited hipsters have been throwing words such as "techno", "breaks" and "trance" around like confetti. TOYS simply places all our saints (such as Avalon Emerson, Benjamin Damage, Credit 00, Cryptofauna, Cyan85, Dark Sky, Dauwd, Elkka, Epikur, Glenn Astro, Lawrence, Lea Occhi, Medlar, Moomin, Poly Chain, Redshape, Sam Goku, Session Victim, Slim Soledad, Stimming, Tom Trago, Trikk, Will Saul & Youandewan) in a number of diverse and torrid settings and allows you to (un-)dress, play, free yourselves and dance for everybody's cantilevered satisfaction (and other good causes) while truly impelling tracks unfold. a divine service in a dimly lit queer feminist, sex-positive, post-modern church of pulsating indulgence.

UK 01:00
Pariah presents Voam feat. MJK
On air