Identified Patient

Fresh electronica after a not so fresh night.

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Cer­ti­fi­ably one of the most revered under­ground DJs of the Nether­lands, Job Veer­man, bet­ter known as Iden­ti­fied Patient, has made a name for him­self as an oth­er­world­ly sto­ry­teller. His left­field mix­es take the lis­ten­er on a white-knuck­le ride of twists and turns, with no genre, tem­po, or mood off-lim­its. The Ams­terdam-based artist made his ascen­sion with some of Rot­ter­dam’s finest imprints, all the while fill­ing dance floors across the coun­try and through­out Europe. His style fus­es raw aes­thet­ics with unri­valed, relent­less ener­gy which he trans­lates into his pro­duc­tions as flu­id­ly as his DJ sets.