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There’s a drawing of a triangle. “Johnny Rotten” is written in one corner. “Del Boy” is written in the other. “2007 Dubstep / Grime” sits in the remaining corner. There’s a dot in the middle with a big “DASE” scrawled above it. DASEPLATE has three forms…
You have Johnny Rotten Dase, Del-Boy Dase and ’07 Dubstep Dase. Broadly speaking, there’s a definite punk influence to what DASEPLATE does, coupled with a DIY mentality and penchant for the grittier side of bass music. If you look at the distribution side of his catalogue, you’ll see it’s released on Pond Life Party – His own imprint established in 2015. Cutting out the middleman distribution, bringing it directly to your streaming platform of choice, Del-Boy style. If this wasn’t enough to grant him the wheeler dealer accolade, we highly recommend checking out daseplatesdiscounts.com, the website speaks for itself.
This DIY attitude finds its way into his actual events in Nottingham too. The Pond Life raves are always a lot closer to punk shows than your typical chin-strokey night put on by other promoters. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a Pond Life night in a conventional setting – it’s always a DIY set up in a location that you’ll probably never go to again. Leisure centres, abandoned warehouses, woodlands, old pubs, caves, fields and random community centres to name a few. In an age where venue closures are the norm – the DIY aspect of Nottingham’s current thriving scene is one to replicate.