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Established in 2023 by dubstep pioneer Solomon Rose, known to fans as Silkie, Bedroom Rat Records is a testament to a lifetime of dedication to bass music and the wider electronic music scene. The label serves as a nostalgic homage to UK Garage and other sounds that inspired Solomon’s early career – going beyond the 140bpm world.
While the roots of Bedroom Rat Records lie in classic 2-step and 4×4 rhythms, the label goes beyond nostalgia-inducing tracks to provide a glimpse into the future of club music. With plans to venture into more experimental realms, BRR aims to transcend the limitations of tempo and genre.
Each release promises a fusion of the old school with sounds of tomorrow – embracing a diversity of skippy beats, R&B-style vocals and jazzy melodies, with bass and soul at the heart of all the productions.
From forward-looking tracks to uplift any dancefloor, to more reflective, experimental sounds, Bedroom Rat Records is an outlet for artists to innovate and express freely within the modern global club music scene, while embracing its rich history.