Whitney Weiss

presents It's Whitney, Bitch with arieshandmodel


Starting 2024 out right with an ambitious achievement of a mix from Arieshandmodel that perfectly pairs the sultry and broody. Whitney Weiss with house and beats, plus new ones from Chinotto Records and Super Drama's latest on Major Records.

We're all lucky to hear such an ambitious and successful mix from CDMX/Berlin-based Arieshandmodel! How it came to be and what it's about, in her own words:

"This is the first time that i play with tempos in a mixtape; usually i do a more linear high bpm thing, but decided to try something new, something that is a bit of a love letter, if you might, to my partner and also a reflection of my mood, and where i am in life currently; the past two years have been of huge change in my life, both professionally and personal, moving from Mexico City to Berlin, and all of the challenges that come with migrating; being able to play parties that i had always wanted to play like Herrensauna or even the past Boiler Room in Mexico City, and trying to process all of that and decide where to go with my career, slowing down for a bit to take a breath and start 2024 full force, with things like releasing en EP sometime this summer, playing Ceremonia which is one of Mexico's biggest festivals and trying to find a balance between music and cooking which i also do and is not always easy but, again, figuring it out."

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Whitney Weiss

Des raves open air illégales d’Amérique du Sud aux clubs underground d’Europe, la DJ et productrice Whitney Weiss produit des sets qu’elle affûte depuis des années dans les usines et les parcs argentins.