with Kop-Z and Midrib
Syntax invites two artists, one form the north and one from the south, to cover her show with 2 hours of bass, jungle and leftfield sounds.
Kop-Z is someone I've known for a few years now, we used to hang our around the same circles and now he does sound engineering at The White Hotel in Manchester where I now work. He's an incredibly talented producer and is really other-worldly in his art. I guarantee this is something the likes of which you will have never heard before. Truly thought-provoking.
Midrib is a DJ/producerI had met while doing some gigs in London. Honestly a really talented artist with a wicked collection of dubstep/techno and more and also her own releases. Her recent single BIONIC BITCH was released under Glasgow techno label MANIC BB combining industrial techno and heavy breaks.