система | system systemnapotvora
invites vvanya samokrutkin
systemnapotvora invites vvanya samokrutkin.
Vvanya Samokrutkin is an Odesa/Paris-based artist and curator of the система | system / systemnapotvora platform. He presents his exclusive two-hour mix for the @systemnapotvora monthly radio show on Rinse France. Broadcasting on Rinse France on March 28, 22:00 – 00:00.
This mix is a deep dive into the compositional experiments of the 20th century and their ongoing influence on contemporary soundscapes. Moving across fragments of musique concrète, electroacoustics, microtonal and minimalist music, post-concrète textures, and acoustic phenomena, it traces the evolution of avant-garde compositional thought, dissolving boundaries between rigid structure and spontaneous sonic generation.
This mix interweaves pioneering experiments in musique concrète with extended instrumental techniques, polyrhythmic structures, and spatialized sound diffusion featuring archival recordings, rare tape manipulations, and spectral explorations. Adding another layer of depth, ritual chants and mantras of Mongolian shamans and lamas create a dialogue between organic sonic traditions and electroacoustic textures, forming a dense, evolving auditory environment.
From tonal dissonances and fractured rhythmic geometries to expansive timbral experimentation, this mix explores sonic transformation, compositional deconstruction, and the shifting perception of sound through historical and contemporary practices.

система | system
En tant que projet pluri-disciplinaire basé à Odessa (Ukraine), система développe sa plateforme de podcasts live, dédiés à la musique électronique avant-gardiste et à des pratiques artistiques performatives.